Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

cara bertamu dan menerima tamu

Cara bertamu dan menerima tamu…

Dalam dunia kemasyarakatan tak lepas dengan rasa saling tolong menolong, gotong royong, saling menghargai satu sama lain. Dari hal tersebut pasti akan muncul rasa solidaritas yang tinggi dalam masyarakat. Bersilaturahmi salah satunya. Memang, dalam hal bersilaturahmi akan menjalin tali persaudaraan yang erat sesama makhluk ciptaan Sang Maha Kuasa. Akantetapi, dalam bersilaturahmi atau sering kita sebut “Bertamu” memiliki tata cara, atau aturan- aturan. Selain itu, adab menerima tamupun ada tata caranya juga. Dari kedua hal tersebut akan menciptakan rasa nyaman, lebih dekat, bahkan seperti keluarga sendiri, dan juga akan membentuk moral atau perilaku yang baik dan sopan. Mari kita pahami bersama bagaimana cara bertamu dan menerima tamu??.
  • Pertama jangan bertamu sembarangan waktu, pilihlah waktu yang tepat.
  • Jika datang untuk bertamu hendaknya mengucap salam terlebih dahulu dan mengetuk pintu dengan ketukan yang sedang.
  • Sebelum memasuki rumah hendaknya meminta izin terlebih dahulu pakah diperboleh kan atau tidaknya.
  • Jika diterima untuk bertamu oleh tuan rumah jangan lah terlalu lama karena dapat merepotkan tuan rumah.
  • Kalau disuguhi minuman atau jamuan sebaiknya di segani dengan baik. Bahkan “jika anda berpuasa maka batalkan lah atau membukai puasa tersebut”.(HR. Baihaqi)
  • jika dirasa bertamu itu cukup maka hendaklah berpamit dahulu sebelum pulang.
Menerima tamu:
  • Menyambut tamu dengan baik dan ramah, pasang lah wajah yang manis.
  • Mempersilahkan duduk ditempat yang baik, bersih, nyaman.
  • Jika tamu datang dari jauh dan ingin menginap, tuan rumah wajib menerima dan menjamunya maksimal tiga hari dan jika lebih dari tiga hari terserah tuan rumah untuk tetap menjamunya atau tidak.
  • Hidangkanlah makanan yang istimewa.
  • Jika tamu hendak berpamit, maka bekalilah makanan untuk sehari semalam untuk sampai ditempat persinggahan selanjutnya.
Demikianlah cara untuk menerima tamu dan bertamu. Paling tidak kita memahami, adab dan cara yang dilakukan hendak bertamu supaya, dalam menjalin tali silaturahmi sesama umat manusia tetap terjaga dengan baik.
Terima kasih

my mother and father

My father and my mother

     My father and my mother have differences from the characteristic, tasks, how to educate of children, roles, and home town. My father had a loving affection, resolute, and calm. While my mother was always give affection, have a strong instinct when her child sick and in trouble, resolute, moreover my mother like a spicy cooking and likes to sing.
    My parents have a task differences. My father has a task itself such as work for making a living. My mother she served as a housewife besides that my mother also worked as a trader. Moreover they were different ways to educate. My father every day taught me to be liable for any actions something. While my mother taught me about always discipline of time, calm, humility, affection. There are some roles that they are somewhat different from my father feel competent and confident in child and mother nurture feelings of love and how to speak the word. Mother and father are from different islands. My father came from Jepara central java and mother came from Lampung, Sumatra. Although different regions of origin, role, and characteristic will but my parents will always love for life and they will still be my angel.

tips menjaga kesehatan

Keep healthy is very important for people because if we not keep our healthy will make easy to sick.
There are some tricks to keep healthy :
  • Firstly jogging three times a weeks because so that circulate of blood is to fluent and our body be a fresh.
  • Secondly drink water at least eight glasses.
  • Then eat three times a day and eat more of vegetable.
  • After that sleep at least to five until six hours a day.
Finally we are must to keep the clean because keep to clean is keep to healthy. To conclude if we are eat and drink regularly, go to sleep exact on the time, then to keep the clean, sport regularly its will to keep our healthy.
What about you?
If you’re feeling healthy?

life skill is very important

Life skill

Creativity is not limited to the ability to write and in the academic areas only. Every human being has the creativity of each in her life to learn, think, and act. One sign of a creative person is a change in people’s behavior was due to changes in the level of knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Someone is not going to be creative without purpose. God calls upon us to prosperity of the earth by giving our heart and mind to be creative so that life is getting better. Here, we know the importance of creativity. In our lives can also increase the emergence of creative life skills.
Life skill that teaches one to be able, to be happy in any circumstances be responsible for our words and deeds, capable to resolve the problem he faced and got through the creativity that was involved (Dra. ErySoekresno, Psi.,M.Sc.,Edu.,). According to Brolin (1989), “Life skills constitute a continuum of knowledge and aptitude that are necessary for a person to function effectively and to avoid interruptions of employment experience”. Nelson-Jones (1992:8) Life skills are personally responsible sequences of self-helping choices in specific psychological skills areas conducive to mental wellness. People require a repertoire of life skill according to their developmental tasks and specific problems solving.The opinion leaders, about the life skill above I conclude” Life skill is an ability to solve daily life problem in order to become successful person in this world”.So that whenever there is a problem difficult to solve one’s bound to bring creativity to work harder at finding the answer so that the life skills will be formed by itself. Life skills that bring creativity and new ideas should be applied from now on.
The secondly, Life skills to make ideas that turned out to be successful in life as well as solve problems. One who has to prove it, she is Haryanti. She has a coconut shell that has transformed the ordinary into gold coconut shells. She had the idea of changing the ordinary into the coconut shell trinkets such as buttons clothing, bracelets, bags and other unique results. Together with her husband of Haryanti and Sunadi who have helped in the success of the business Haryanti, his made machines to help generate work from coconut shells. However, business is business there will be competition. Although the competition is very much in the business world then Haryanti have new creative ideas that make the coconut shells for clothing accessories. Since the idea was Haryanti creative make the designs themselves are very unique and the results are very satisfactory. From the emergence of new ideas rapidly rising earnings. It also she has a new idea to create an outstanding business.
In addition, there areal so businessmen :Haryanti were such a success Sandiaga Salahudin Uno and Edwin Soersadjaja they set up PTR ecapital Advisors, a financial advisory firmin 1997a year later he founded PT. SaratogaCapital (investment company), and Elang Gumilang Director Semesta Guna Groupless on about the ability to be creative entrepreneurs was born in 6 April 1985this is the entrepreneur behind the construction of simple homes type 22/60 to the down economy as factory workers, staff TUIPB, scavengers, etc.
To conclude, we learn from businessmen who are successful we should be more capable and daring to try something new as long as it was positive. Without us knowing it will learn to dare to try to hone the skills of our lives. Try new things and think differently from others we can achieve success story. Success story we will not be as we have not tried it.

Name : Muhammad HaqqiRiyansyah
NIM : 20110540049

application letter

Muhammad Haqqi Riyansyah
Jl .Raya Bangsri RT/RW: 01/04
Bangsri Jepara 59453
Phone : 085226262634
E-mail : haqqimuhammad13@yahoo.com

March, 26th 2011

The Director of
Smart Learning Center
Jln. Toniwen No.40 Pangkalpinang, Bangka
 Phone: (0717) 7030089

Dear sir/madam
I would like to apply for being an English teacher that advertised by your institution at March 01th, 2011, it’s would be grateful if you send me more information.
I am 26 years old and I currently graduated from S1 English Education Department from Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. I am interested in this job because I want to help every one who wants to learn, especially in the English of language. I am friendly, I can work just as well and I love children. I am fluent in English Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammar. I am able to operate computer.
I have experience in working before graduated from Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. My experiences such as join is the center course education institutions Jogja, teaching in elementary schools and i also join organisation in English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta as tutor. I want to work harder to score the intelligent and communicative next generation.
I have much time to interview whenever you want. If you would like to know more information else about me, please contact me. I look forwad to hear from you.


Muhammad Haqqi Riyansyah, S.pd


Good Education service needs a high cost
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

I have a story, one day in my holiday; I met a student from the famous Senior High school. She told me that she just moved to the high grade and got the first rank in her class. However, she complained that the school where she is studying increases the school fee which according to her it is very expensive although she is studying in a good school that give good service.
Ladies and gentlemen, in fact, according to the story above, the cost of education is not cheap. We must fish lot of money in order to get good education service. Moreover, In this case I believe that good education service needs a high cost. Harian Baru Singgalang informed that 4464 schools (59.57 percent) are accredited, have a quality education that expensive.
So ladies and gentlemen, here I would like to discuss why I agree that a good education service needs a high cost and why just to get the best quality of education is very expensive? The first reason, because to develop and improve facilities to be better, to get the professional teachers to teach, and implement a school program is a mandatory program.
First, develop and improve the facilities to be better. Schools that have good facilities can help their students to improving their skills. For example, in Senior High school, they need some equipment for teaching and learning process, such as LCD projectors, sturdy building to make the teaching and learning process going well, and fast internet network. However, not only that, right? All schools should be advanced equipment such as computer one of the example. All equipment required students require are expensive. Is it right? So to get a good education service needs a high cost.
Secondly, provide professional teachers to teach. Expected of professional teachers who can train students to think ahead, think critically, and how to deal with the realities of the world are firmly on the inside and outside the country. For example, Senior High School in Sleman brings in teachers from abroad to teach at their school. With the teachers from overseas, students are expected to get new sciences, learn from shared experiences; in addition students will practice to be brave of the new world and ready to be a cadre of the best in the future.
And the last is implement school program which is a mandatory program. This last point is contemporary. But the holding of any school program that says it’s a must at the famous school. In addition the program aims to train students play an active role not only in academic however in non-academic as well. For example, Harapan senior high school, conducting comparative studies with other schools. With this case of study, students can practice the pattern think more critical. To hold agenda as brilliant as the expectation, would also need cost. Is it right??
Ladies and gentlemen, another example is a study tour activities, students can practice outside of class that aims to give more knowledge, leadership and will also train.
Ladies and gentlemen, to conclude, to get a good education service needs a high cost. And also, to get good facilities that can help student in teaching and learning process need high cost. For the last, in my opinion, it is not waste our parent’s money, because our parents definitely want the best for us.
thanks for your attention


Kau memberikan ku hidup
Kau memberikanku kasih sayang
Tulusnya cintamu tak kan pernah terbalaskan
Nikmatnya belaimu takkan terlupakan..
Oh ibu….
Lantunan lagu dari band Indonesia ini sangat memberikan penyadaran-penyadaran baru padaku bahwa, sosok yang sering kita bantah, sosok yang sering kita amuk, sosok yang kita sakiti tetapi tak pernah merasa disakiti sama sekali. Dengan ketegarannya, menyiapkan makanan, member uang saku, dan selalu menanyakan” sudah makan anakku? Pasti kau lapar ayoo makan” beliaulah sosok orang yang sering kita sakiti. Seberapa pentingkah dia dalam hidup kita padahal Dalam hatinya beliau selalu berdoa “ ya Tuhanku lindungilah anakku dari bahaya disana, jagalah dia Tuhan, berilah kesehatan padanya, buatlah dia bahagia Tuhan, berikanlah diateman yang banyak, berilah kelancaran dalam menggapai cita-citanya di negeri merantau Tuhan. Bahagiaku ada padanya Tuhan.
Sudahkah kita mendoakannya ???
Sudahkah kita berterima kasih padanya???
Apa balasan yang telah kau berikan pada beliau ???
Apa terimakasih cukup??? Salah kawan!!!
Aku ini apa ??
Aku pengecut??
Aku telah hambur-hamburkan uang demi kesenanganku akan tetapi bagaimana dengan ibuku yang telah bersusah payah mencari uang???
Bagaimana sosok ibu itu??
Ibu bagiku adalah malaikat duniaku ,memang benar hal ini nyata terjadi. Aku dibesarkan dari keluarga yang menengah kebawah. Sejak kepergian ayahanda, keluargaku lebih belajar keras tentang makna kehidupan. Kehidupan yang suka dan duka keluarga yatim. Tantangan kehidupan sering kulewati satu persatu, salah satunya iri. Ya memang itu sifat jelek yang sering kutemui pada peradaban ini akantetapi aku menyadari itu tidak baik dan walaupun aku anak orang yang tidak punya aku tidak pernah iri terhadap teman-temanku disekitarku yang mempunyai banyak fasilitas ,mainan, serta barang-barang yang mewah dan sama sekali tak kupunyai . aku berpura- pura tidak menginginkan semua itu dan tidak berniat meminta pada ibuku untuk dibelikan. Tapi..!!dalam hatiku “ kenapa aku gak punya?”itu renungku. Akan tetapi darihal yang tidak aku punyai aku memiliki hal yang istimewa dan tidak sepertihalnya yang dipunyai teman-temanku. Kini aku belajar akan hidup. Itu yang terpenting.
Ibuku sering menyuruhku untuk menyapu lantai, membersihkan kamar, melatihku membuat esbatu pada saat itu. Beliau juga sering berkata“kalau main dirumah teman jangan nakal ya, kalau kamu lapar pulanglah ibu sudah memasak yang lebih lezat dari pada jajan disekitar” padahal makanan dari ibu hanya sesuap nasi berlaukkan tempe dan tahu saja. Tapi semua itu terasa nikmat sekali. Bagiku itu memang makanan terlezat di dunia ini. Aku bersyukur masih dapat menikmati seperti ini.
Meskipun aku terlahir dari keluarga yang menengah kebawah, yang tidak punya mainan bagus, jajan bersama teman-teman, fasilitas yang mewah. Aku bersyukur akan hal itu sehingga aku tahu bahwa apa yang di berikan oleh orang tuaku adalah hal yang tidak sembarangan anak menerimanya. ILMU…!!! Ya memang benar ilmu saja yang diberikan. Ibuku memberiku ilmu yang terbaik selama aku belajar di sekolah sampai sekarang di Universitas yang terkemuka di Yogyakarta.
Apa balasanku untuk beliau???
Hai kau pengecut apa yang bias kau lakukan untuk ibu mu!!! (amuku)
Dasar pemalas !!!
Penghambur-hambur uang!!
Gengsi tingkat tinggi saja yang kau pelihara!!!
Mana wujud kasih sayangmu pada orang tuamu????
Apa yang akan kau lakukan??!!! (emosi dalam hatiku)
Aku tak tahu apa yang harus aku lakukan. Dan semua so far… aku hanya bias menyesal dan menyesal. Sehinakah aku ini ??? (renungku) Ya Tuhanku aku berjanji akan membahagiakan beliau. Lindungilah beliau ya Tuhan. Berilah Beliau kesehatan dan panjang umur supaya beliau dapat melihatku sukses kelak dan hambamu ini dapat membahagiakannya. Aku harus sukses, belajar giat, mandiri, lulus dengan nilai yang sempurna, tidak lalai dalam beribadah, berkarya dan berprestasi sehingga aku mampu membuat IBUKU TERSENYUM BAHAGIA…
….Doaku dalam hari-hariku….